Tamami Persson
A capable and dependable professional with a diverse business background and experience in areas including digital marketing, content creation, market research and data analysis. Technologically savvy, as proven by her single-handed building of this website utilising WordPress.
Core strengths:
• Professional proficiency in English and Japanese.
• Have experience and knowledge of improving digital store customer experiences through the use of site analytics tools. and site optimisation strategies.
• Excellent Japanese writing skills fulfil expectations built through the work with various clients, including major publishers.
• Good sense to grasp new trends and topics in various fields.
• Advanced computer skills: Google Analytics
, Adobe Analytics, Ahrefs, Contents square, Operncart, Mautic, WordPress, Light room, Gimp, Microsoft Office Suite etc.
• Practical proofreading course /Accredited by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (一般財団法人 実務教育研究所 文部科学省認定 校正実務講座)

Digital Marketing
In the American multinational technology company and Japanese B to C e-commerce, I have worked in digital marketing and done a wide range of tasks such as executed promotions and new product launches, email marketing, SEO site optimisation, and site analytics utilising SEO and web analytics tools.
Also, I’m hired as a freelance marketing assistant to draft copies for marketing activities, and translate senior executive speech and marketing collateral from English to Japanese by Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) .
Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Ahrefs, Keyword Planner, Contents square, Operncart, Mautic, WordPress, Lightroom, Gimp, ChatGPT 4, etc.

Content Creation
Covered various areas such as current affairs, business, travel, city guide, and food in Japanese print and online media including major publishers such as Shougakukan, Condé Nast Japan (Vogue Japan), Alc. Broad and deep knowledge and experiences obtained from research and interpretation jobs requiring related research and preparation have enabled me to create original and unique articles.
Key writing projects
(all listed are with bylines as Tamami Persson or パーソン珠美)
• AsiaX (Business magazine) – Interview with Marina Bay Sands CEO
• Expedia Japan – Singapore city guide
• Newsphere – News, Business, Culture
• Vogue Japan (ヴォーグ ジャパン) – Singapore city guide
• Shogakukan Serai.jp (小学館 サライ/ Lifestyle magazine for men) – Travel story
• English Journal (アルク イングリッシュジャーナル/ Magazine for English learners)
• Signpost – Travel and Food
Linguistic Support

Client testimonials can be found on Locotabi (in Japanese).
Key Clients:
McCann(マッキャンエリクソン), acronym, Hakuhodo(博報堂), TeamLab(チームラボ), Fujitsu Research Institute (富士通総研), CEL Research institute of Osaka Gas (大阪ガス). Osaka University Intellectual Property Centre (大阪大学知的財産センター), Okinawa University Faculty of Humanities (沖縄大学人文学部福祉文化学科), Sonoda Women’s University Division of Nursing Studies (園田女子大学人間健康学部人間看護学科), International University of Health and Welfare (国際医療福祉大学大学院), Okinawa Prefectural Government (沖縄県庁), Takamatsu City Councillor (高松市会議員), Japan Federation of Basic Workers’ Unions (日本基幹産業労働組合連合会), Tokyo Metropolitan Aviation Network, Research Institute for Culture (TMAN), Ezaki Glico(江崎グリコ), Marui(丸井グループ), IDA Laboratories (井田ラボラトリーズ), KOBAYASHI Pharmaceutical(小林製薬), Aesop, Milbon (ミルボン), etc.
Generate reports on local markets, trends, regulatory systems and more to help companies and government agencies navigate new spaces. Grasp client’s needs and expectations, and arrange research by sourcing the documents, interviewees and sites to visit etc. The compiled elements always come with solid evidence.
Key Research Projects
(Market research projects are confidential and not listed)
• Research on administration and regulation for consumer protection in Singapore / Consumer Affairs Agency (消費者庁)
• Research on regulations for electronic communications network incident reporting in EU, Netherlands and Estonia/ Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (総務省)
• Benchmarking study of gaming regulations of Singapore/ Government of Japan (Bureau of Integrated Resort Promotion/ 現内閣府外局 カジノ管理委員会)
• Research on the usage of a standard for the safety of the large electrical storage system in Sweden/ National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (経済産業省所管独立行政法人 製品評価技術基盤機構)

What’s the most effective way to adapt original website to Japanese market?

Make use of Japanese fashion magazines in your marketing strategies
+65 9483 0275